因在美育研究中導入新科技,引起了美國 Pocast- The Versatillist 主持人 Prof. Patrick O’Shea注意,就邀請我參加這個由 Immersive Learning Network (iLRN) 支持、以沉浸式學習為主題的節目。

除了討論我最近的 AR/VR 導入美育的研究,我們還探討了感知真實性的問題。剛好我也分享了我這學期,嘗試透過 Gen AI 改進學生實習旅館和產學合作餐廳設計的美學課程。真的教育與研究是持續性的需要一步步突破和進步,期待未來能讓這些方法更加完善,並分享給更多人知道與學習。

因為聊得很愉快,Patrick 表示期待未來有新作品時再次邀請我上節目!🚀💡


受訪內容連結 https://podcasts.apple.com/……/id1016303356……

In this episode, the topic is about the new work, “Optimizing learning outcomes in aesthetic education through technological integration: AR/VR applications in hospitality aesthetics course.” I share my journey through diverse fields such as computer science, business, and aesthetics, and how I launched his lab, SMART Lab. After observing a lack of aesthetics in commercial environments and society, I began his aesthetics-related research during my PhD.I discuss using AR/VR in hospitality aesthetic education to teach principles like harmony. To pursue more effective aesthetic education, I has recently shifted to using generative AI, allowing students to create realistic designs and works easily. Emphasizing the integration of technology and aesthetics, I aims to enhance students’ aesthetic literacy and prepare them for daily life or future careers by continuously incorporating new technologies into my courses and research.

For more information or research collaboration with Dr. Hsu, please check out the links below:

#PodcastInterview #TheVersatillist #ImmersiveLearning #EdTech #GenAI #ARVR #AestheticEducation #ContinuousImprovement #InnovativeLearning #ResearchAndDevelopment #ExcitingTimes🎧🌟

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