受到國際學術研究領域知名出版社🌎Edward Elgar Publishing邀請,由國際知名學者Prof. Rosanna Leung, Prof. Dimitrios Buhalis, Peter O’Connor與許軒 教授共同擔任編輯的新書 📚Elgar Research Agendas- Smart Hospitality

現正開始Call for Chapters🤗🤗🤗

歡迎鑽研相關領域的專家們,一起加入Smart Hospitality行列吧!


Call for Chapters: Elgar Research Agendas – Smart Hospitality

Editors: Rosanna Leung, Dimitrios Buhalis, Hsuan Hsu and Peter O’Connor

Important Dates

Chapter Proposal Submission Deadline: 31st December 2022

Proposal Acceptance Notification:          31st January 2023

Full Chapter Submission Deadline:         31st August 2023

Aim and Scope of the book

Smartness has been discussed for more than a decade; however, the definition of smart and smart hospitality is still unclear and lots of debates are ongoing among academia. In addition, many industry practitioners perceived service automation, technology adoption, or robotic services as “smart”, and hotels that implemented various technologies are smart hotels. The concept of “smartness” refers to the integration of networked organisations and smart features that engage in interoperable and interconnected systems to simplify and automate daily activities and do add value throughout the ecosystem for all stakeholders. This book aims to enlarge the understanding of smart hospitality and provide recommendations for more comprehensive, effective, and efficient ideas on service operations, management decisions, customer experience co-creation and future challenges moving toward smart.

We would like to invite authors from different technical and hospitality service disciplines to address various aspects of the smart service in micro- and macro-level perspectives, including but not limited to  customer services, marketing, hospitality operations management, strategic management, decision support, and macro-level interconnection and interoperations. We also looking for authors to deliver information on smart hospitality infrastructure which provides the foundation of technical knowledge for non-technical readers that allow them to explore the potential of smart hospitality service. From the real-life examples included, readers could receive a comprehensive view of smart infrastructure and the automation and interoperations among stakeholders. This book will link the industry and academia on smart hospitality by creating solutions and innovations to contribute to the industry, highlighting the future challenges of smart hospitality and providing a future research agenda for early career researchers.

The book chapter should NOT focus on technology and its application but on how the technology interconnected and interoperable with other platforms, technologies and stakeholders. Explain how external data could improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the technologies, identify the current limitations and provide recommendations on future research. Target readers are PhD candidates and researchers that are looking for research ideas on smart hospitality. This book will be produced as part of the peer-reviewed book series by Edward Elgar: https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/gbp/book-series/education/elgar-research-agendas.html.

If you are interested to contribute to this book, please email a 500 words proposal to Dr Rosanna Leung at rosannaleung@gmail.com before 30st November 2022. If accepted, full papers with 5,000 – 6,000 words are due by 31st of August 2023. Each contribution must be original and unpublished work, not submitted for publication elsewhere.

 Table of Content

SectionTable of ContentPotential Authors
What is Smartness and Smart Hospitality?Smart Hospitality – A Strategic Perspective (Including interaction and effect on stakeholders) 
 Smart Hospitality Infrastructure, Drivers, and Enablers 
Data – the lifeblood of Smart HospitalityThe role of Big Data Communication Protocol and Standards 
 The Challenges of Big DataData Sharing and OwnershipData Security and Privacy 
Smartness and the Customer experienceSmartness and the Hospitality Customer Journey 
 Smartness and the Human -Technology Interaction 
 XR and their interface with Smart Hospitality 
Smartness and the Hospitality Value Chain (Primary Activities)Optimizing Hotels and Restaurants Operations using Smart Hospitality 
 Optimizing Meetings and Events Operations using Smart Hospitality 
 Meta-morphing Marketing 
 Smartness and the Hospitality Supply Chain (Procurement & Inventory Control) 
 Distribution Channels and Revenue Management 
Smartness and the Hospitality Value Chain (Support Activities)Human Resource / Talent Management 
 Smartness – the implications for firm Finance 
 Hospitality technology and Smartness 
Future Smart Hospitality ChallengesOvercoming the Barriers to Smart Hospitality implementation 
 Service Transformation and the Re-engineering of Hospitality Operations 
 Implications of Smart Hospitality for Employee skills and competencies 
 Sustainability and Smart Hospitality 
 Smart Building and their implications for HospitalityInternal: Dynamic room layout and autonomous furnitureExternal: Adaptive design and responsive facade systems 
 Smart Hospitality and the Metaverse 

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